Ethanol Today

Timely DC Fly-in to Advocate for Ethanol

Written by Brian Jennings | May 15, 2023

ACE was pleased to host 60 grassroots leaders, including ethanol producers, corn growers and retailers, for our recent fly-in and government affairs summit in Washington, DC. It was timely not only to see cherry blossoms, but also to advocate for our priorities.

Over the course of a day and a half, our members met with nearly 100 congressional offices, in addition to top officials with EPA and USDA.

We pushed for key legislation during meetings with Congress, such as the Next Generation Fuels Act (S. 944 and HR 2434), which would overcome barriers standing in the way of higher ethanol blends, establish a new fuel octane standard and require vehicles to be compatible with higher blends and octane fuels. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is being led by Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Klobuchar (D-MN) and Congresswomen Miller-Meeks (R-IA) and Craig (D-MN).

Given the urgent need for uninterrupted market access for E15, our members pressed Congress to support The Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act (S. 785 and HR 1608), which would allow all blends above E10 to be used nationwide on a permanent basis. Senators Fischer (R-NE) and Klobuchar (D-MN), along with Representatives Smith (R-NE) and Craig (D-MN) are leading this legislation.

ACE members also proactively urged Congress and USDA to ensure any new carbon or climate policy rewards farmers and ethanol producers for being part of the solution through carbon credits for climate-smart agriculture and ethanol production technology innovations. USDA specifically thanked ACE for helping lead the effort to ensure farmers and ethanol producers get credit for these activities.

But with the June 1, 2023 summer driving season fast-approaching, the topic of E15 year-round received the most attention during our fly-in.

In addition to pushing for the permanent fix in The Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, our members also implored EPA to take the same emergency steps utilized in 2022 to ensure E15 is available in all parts of the country during the 2023 summer. We explained the “extreme and unusual” conditions used by President Biden to justify E15 year-round last year persist today, such as low inventories of crude and gasoline and rising prices due to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The retailers joining us were able to speak firsthand to the price savings their customers experience from the availability of E15 and E85.

Thanks to everyone participating in our fly-in for making a positive difference for ethanol! Join us next year for our fly-in slated to take place March 21-22, 2024.