Innovation for Tomorrow.
Inspiration in Our Roots.
ACE Champions Energy for Optimists
Meet ACE
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is leading the fight to ensure biofuels and farmers succeed in our clean energy future. We spark collaboration between producers and technology innovators. We build bridges between rural communities and policymakers, between farmers and environmentalists. We promote understanding and alliances that create opportunities for all Americans.
It’s a call we’ve answered longer than anyone in renewable fuel. And though we’re proud of our 35+ year record of achievement, we say the most exciting time to be part of this industry is right now.
Today’s ethanol is the leading clean alternative to petroleum.
America’s corn-based ethanol is a carbon-cutting champion. Scientists from Harvard, MIT and Tufts recently found ethanol is 50% cleaner than gasoline. That’s the result of constant improvements in agriculture and biorefining technology. And it’s getting better with every growing season. Discover how today’s ethanol is standing conventional carbon wisdom on its head — and delivering meaningful progress for a low-carbon economy.
If there’s heat, we’ve got light.
Mainstreet America
Local Investors, Part of the Ethanol Movement
For one Iowa ethanol plant, they wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to invest. The local community owns the plant; now they're part of agriculture, part of the movement...
Hear the story of Lincolnway Energy.