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Optimists Wanted



Join ACE.

The American Coalition of Ethanol (ACE) leads the clean-fuel present for a low-carbon future.  And because we build bridges between rural communities, policymakers, tech leaders, farmers, and environmentalists, we welcome supporters from all corners of the country in any profession or area of study.

We only ask you bring your expertise, ideas and passion to help us build on the economic and environmental progress that only ethanol delivers. Considering it’s the one renewable energy that has preserved and strengthened actual American communities, we think ethanol has the unique power to build new alliances. Join the coalition and join a movement that feels like family: power by people.

The Full List of Membership Benefits

Voting Members
  • Reduced membership registration for ACE conference, select industry events
  • Priority choice of conference sponsorship opportunities - Sponsorship Brochure
  • Opportunity to submit abstracts for ACE conference agenda
  • Voting privileges at annual meeting
  • ACE emails on public policy, market development, key industry news, and social media promotion
  • Public relations support
  • A listing in the membership directory
  • Opportunities to participate in ACE webinars on industry related topics
  • Opportunities to participate in actionable items to further the ethanol industry via ACE’s Action Center
  • Receive 10 complimentary copies of Ethanol Today magazine
  • Opportunity to highlight company events/activities in in Ethanol Today magazine
  • Option to submit a “New Member” or “Member Project” column for Ethanol Today magazine
  • Reduced advertising rates and preferred placing in Ethanol Today magazine – Media Kit
  • Option to submit a “Carbon” or “Bio Biz” column for Ethanol Today magazine – details here
  • Option to sponsor ACE’s carbon intensity calculator, obtain a directory listing – Sponsorship Prospectus
Associate Members
  • Reduced membership registration for ACE conference, select industry events
  • Priority choice of conference sponsorship opportunities - Sponsorship Brochure
  • Opportunity to submit abstracts for ACE conference agenda
  • ACE emails on public policy, market development, key industry news, and social media promotion
  • Public relations support
  • A listing in the membership directory
  • Opportunities to participate in ACE webinars on industry related topics
  • Opportunities to participate in actionable items to further the ethanol industry via ACE’s Action Center
  • Receive 5 complimentary copies of Ethanol Today magazine
  • Opportunity to highlight company events/activities in in Ethanol Today magazine
  • Option to submit a “New Member” or “Member Project” column for Ethanol Today magazine
  • Reduced advertising rates and preferred placing in Ethanol Today magazine – Media Kit
  • Option to submit a “Carbon” or “Bio Biz” column for Ethanol Today magazine – details here
  • Option to sponsor ACE’s carbon intensity calculator, obtain a directory listing – Sponsorship Prospectus
Individual Members
  • Reduced membership registration for ACE conference, select industry events
  • Receive complimentary print copy of Ethanol Today magazine
  • ACE emails on public policy, market development, key industry news, and social media promotion

Non-Producer Membership Levels

Voting Member

Commodity groups, utility providers, technology companies, lenders, service providers and others who have serious skin in the game because ethanol producers are their customers. These members are eligible to serve on the ACE Board of Directors and committees and vote at the ACE Annual Meeting.


Associate Member

Manufacturers, engineering firms, specialty service providers, associations and others who have something important to say about what ethanol has done for you, your business, and your community. Associate membership is the perfect entry point to joining the ACE community.


Individual Member

The power and authenticity of individual people are the foundation of the ethanol community. If you believe in fuel choice or want to help ethanol succeed, then join the parents, teachers, students, farmers, motorists and people from other walks of life in becoming an Individual member of ACE.



Join the Cause

Your home is here. Stand with the people of ethanol and help lead the clean-fuel present
to build a low-carbon future. 


Ethanol Producer Members

We know you have options when it comes to how you invest your membership dollars. What makes ACE unique is our approach to policy and market development.

ACE does not try to be all things to all people. We follow the example of the pioneers who settled the farms surrounding your plant. In the spirit of their tenacity and vision, ACE pioneers new demand opportunities for ethanol. That means we sometimes depart from the script others follow.

But then, so do you.

You have a unique vision for our industry’s future. That’s why you’re a fit for the ACE team. We’ve spent more than 35 years coalescing grassroots leadership at local and state levels to influence action on a federal scale. If your plant has benefited from the achievements we’ve won, we know the industry will benefit from yours, too.

Our focus remains on supporting the work of farmer-owned and community-based plants that are the backbone of the ethanol industry and the places we call home. Our strength is rooted in our strategic partnerships and our depth of experience in policy and market development.

Call on us to connect with your staff, leadership and board about ACE’s current and future activities.

Anna Carpenter

Ethanol Producers




Hear why others have joined forces with ACE.

Rick Schwarck - CEO Absolute Energy (IA) “Absolute Energy is incredibly proud to be a member of ACE and I am grateful to be a member of their Board of Directors. I have always believed ACE punches far above its weight and gets things done for the ethanol industry.”
Walt Wendland - CEO Ringneck Energy (SD) “As one of the newest facilities in the U.S., Ringneck Energy is working to capitalize on our efficiency and low carbon score to maximize a return in clean fuel markets. We are proud to join ACE because they are proactively advocating for new clean fuel markets which will increase demand and highlight how modern farming practices and other technological advances make ethanol the only low carbon fuel with the ability to attain net-zero and even net-negative GHG emissions.”
Brian Kletscher - CEO Highwater Ethanol (MN) “Highwater Ethanol has been a long-time member of ACE because they have been so effective at developing new markets for E15 and E85, and we are strongly supportive of their recent efforts to expand the use of higher blends of ethanol through new clean fuel policies and making sure farmers get credit for climate-smart practices.”



Ethanol Today Reduced Advertising Rate + Editorial Opportunities

Ethanol Today is the only publication produced by the ethanol industry for the ethanol industry. Promote your company to our targeted subscriber list of ethanol leaders and supporters. All ACE members receive special reduced ad rates and editorial opportunities.

For a Media Kit or Editorial Calendar, contact Katie Muckenhirn at

View the latest issue of Ethanol Today.


Academic Scholarship

Since 2004, the ACE Scholarship Program has awarded financial aid to employees, spouses, and dependents of member companies to assist in continuing their education. Eligibility includes Ethanol Producer, Voting and Associate Membership levels. Those interested in donating to the Scholarship Program can contact Anna Carpenter at the ACE office.