Carbon Intensity Calculator Sponsors
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Ethanol producers and farmers are increasingly focused on understanding their carbon intensity (CI). ACE's corn ethanol carbon intensity calculator offers producers a way to calculate their current carbon score and what their potential could be. Get your brand in front of these producers, gain targeted leads, and show your clients how you can help them lower their CI with a sponsorship package. Benefits will vary based on sponsorship level selected.
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"The ACE carbon calculator tool provides you information on the “real” carbon intensity impact of localized corn farming practices on our ethanol carbon intensity score. The ACE carbon calculator tool makes me optimistic about corn ethanol’s “real” positive environmental footprint. The calculator is the first step in getting regulators to recognize the “real” carbon benefit in carbon intensity reduction programs."
Delayne JohnsonCEO Quad County Corn Processors
"The ACE carbon calculator is a simple tool that allows the ethanol plant, when working with its producer suppliers, to get a better understanding of how the various plant and production efficiencies will impact the carbon intensity of our domestically produced ethanol. This tool allows all stakeholders to understand how their practices impact the carbon intensity of the product and utilize carbon trading markets to take advantage of increased value for the products.”
Chad KuhlersCEO Golden Grain Energy
"When I first looked at the GREET model's “Midwest average” carbon intensity for corn production back in 2012, I immediately saw the potential for rapid reductions with more accurate modeling that reflected actual low carbon production practices being employed by tens of thousands of farmers across the Midwest.”
Ron AlversonCalculator Creator, Farmer, Dakota Ethanol Board Member
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