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ACESeptember 30, 20242 min read

ACE Helps U.S. Retailers Access USDA HBIIP Funds

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) has assisted fuel retailers across the country by raising awareness of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) through its website, targeted digital advertising campaign and presence at multiple trade shows over the past year. Leading ACE’s market development efforts, ACE Chief Marketing Officer Ron Lamberty will round out the 2024 petroleum marketer trade show season at the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) show, Oct. 7-9 in Las Vegas, Nevada — the world's largest annual gathering of convenience and fuel marketing professionals.

"Fuel retailers look to the experiences of their peers when considering new products, which is why ACE’s market development efforts showcase successful ethanol distributors and retailers," Lamberty said. "Their success stories resonate with fuel marketers and policymakers alike, reinforcing the case for expanded availability of higher-ethanol blends at the pump as one way to reduce carbon pollution from a massive number of vehicles immediately.”

After the latest slate of funding designated for USDA’s HBIIP under the Inflation Reduction Act was announced, ACE updated its retailer-focused website to easily direct prospective E15 and flex fuels retailers to information about applying for and obtaining part of the $450 million in competitive grants ($90 million per quarter for the past five quarters starting in July 2023 and ending today, September 30).

“As the latest and largest application window of the USDA HBIIP closes, ACE’s market development efforts will refocus on helping retailers understand the market advantage and profit potential of higher ethanol blends,” Lamberty added. “E10 went nationwide in short order after we educated retailers on the ‘ethanol math,’ including the fuel tax credit for blending ethanol and gasoline. If we can resolve the year-round policy for E15, it should expand just as quickly.”

"ACE extends its gratitude to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack for his leadership and staunch support of the HBIIP program, which was emphasized during his address to our August conference audience in Omaha,” Lamberty said. “We encourage the Secretary to continue investing in HBIIP to expand access to higher biofuel blends."

USDA HBIIP Manager Jeff Carpenter confirmed the need for additional program funding during his update at the ACE conference in August, noting the significant interest with nearly 900 applications requesting around $800 million. Carpenter has also been a frequent visitor at the ACE trade show booths, offering retailers the chance to engage directly with the program’s lead at USDA. This interaction provides Carpenter with firsthand insights into how retailers are utilizing the program — or why some have chosen not to — straight from the people involved.

Visit to check out the website and you can visit ACE at NACS at booth #C7433.