Willy Wonka says, "So shines a good deed in a weary world" when Charlie returns the gobstopper at the end of "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory," and while this article doesn’t have much to do with that, I like the movie and the line, and during these times of political chaos and uncertainty, it helps to remember ethanol is a good fuel with values separate from regulations attempting to require — or limit — its use in our weary world. Regardless of energy mandates, regulatory shifts, or fears the mongers are currently spreading, ethanol and its co-products continue to provide benefits too significant to ignore – and significant enough that ethanol’s use continues to grow.
Still, it can be a tough time to be an ethanol proponent. At recent industry events, ethanol supporters expressed concern over ethanol’s treatment in social media, product misinformation repeated by a politician (shocking, I know), and regulations meant to improve air quality with bald-faced corn ethanol exclusions. The standard solution to those concerns is “we need to educate,” and “tell our story.” But I’m reminded of Jonathan Swift’s quote, “There is none so blind as he who will not see.” Ethanol facts are widely available, but some people just don’t want to know the truth. And I don’t think rules and regulations blatantly excluding ethanol as an option were written because they don’t know enough about ethanol, but because they do, and don’t want to compete against it. Rather than banning it based on tired, oft-disproven anti-ethanol mythology, it’s simply excluded, without explanation – and, they hope, without discussion.
Meanwhile, as a reliable source of octane, a cost-effective gasoline alternative, and a cleaner-burning fuel, ethanol’s role in the energy future isn’t dictated by temporary political winds – it’s cemented by economic and environmental advantages.
A great demonstration of ethanol’s octane value is Middle Eastern nations’ importation of almost 50 million gallons of ethanol per year for use as an octane enhancer, replacing more costly and toxic octane boosters made from their own oil. In countries like the U.S., where ethanol is included in almost all gasoline, refiners increase yields from every barrel of crude and reduce gasoline production cost by making low-octane base gasoline, relying on ethanol’s inexpensive octane to bring the product up to required motor octane levels. Octane value alone ensures ethanol’s place in the fuel supply, regardless of shifting political narratives. And with voters concerned about inflation and E10 already saving drivers billions of dollars annually, those narratives would be wise to consider higher ethanol blends.
Carbon reduction goals and climate policies may shift between administrations, but worldwide, carbon intensity matters, and ethanol’s ability to cut emissions is recognized by more and more nations. Concern that shifting political landscapes could threaten ethanol’s future is natural, but its value as an octane booster, price suppressor, and clean fuel ensures ethanol will remain a critical component of world fuel supply. Whether policymakers choose to recognize it or not, ethanol delivers, and the marketplace continues to demand it.